Studio & Gallery K-Lab
Introduction of the artist
Artists with the edge in Nagano Prefecture, I we introduce some artists that your edge in this studio operators, among others.

The scenery not minded usually so much, it burns into my memory at a certain moment.
That is the beauty of scenery, and also the glitter, sway of my heart (emotion).
I’m drawing as searching for the memory, my emotion going back to “that time” gradually.
Going into deeply inside of my own memory and emotion, I’m encompassed by the sense like pray gradually.
As I slowly digesting the scenery of “that time”, I restructure as mindscape.

Glass artist Kazuaki Mr. Hayakawa has been making by using a very high special hard glass of transparency of "borosilicate glass", and only one that I put the thought "space". It is melted at a high temperature of flame of about 2500 ℃, the glass repeat the dynamism and burning red by proprietary technology, as through the time the temperature drops, the precise calculation and the chance was born from both sparkle of "Space" is quiet it is the Standing ascended come in. The "space" for Mr., not only the physical world wrap the night sky that we look up, it also represents the deep heart of the world that each of us faced. (Shiga Kogen Roman Museum)